Opening Times: Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00

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the intelligent energy

About Microsun

Welcome to Microsun, your trusted partner in harnessing solar energy and advancing energy conservation. With a rich heritage under the Diakumakos Group of Companies, we are at the forefront of delivering comprehensive solutions in the photovoltaic and energy conservation sectors. Our journey began with a strong foundation in Germany, bringing over a decade of expertise and innovation to Greece since 2008.

Our Expertise

At Microsun, we specialize in the full spectrum of services related to photovoltaic systems - from licensing, design, and supply to construction and ongoing maintenance. Our prowess extends to the creation of both large-scale photovoltaic parks and intricate projects in automation and remote control. With a total capacity of 8 MWp constructed across Greece, our portfolio showcases our capability to deliver projects that not only meet but exceed expectations.

Our Legacy

Being a proud member of the Diakumakos Group of Companies, Microsun leverages extensive experience garnered on German soil. This international exposure equips us with unparalleled insights and methodologies, which we adeptly apply in our operations across Greece. Our commitment to excellence is evident in every project we undertake, characterized by our dedication to optimizing the balance between cost, quality, and management.


Finished Projects


Happy Clients


Working Hours


Satisfied Employees


Offices Worldwide

From idea to realization

Services we provide

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major and best

our clients

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Sed cursus tortor neque, sit amet dignissim purus pretium vel. Nullam et sodales sem. Fusce elit urna, accumsan id mollis eu, egestas a nunc.

contact us

1116 15th St, Sacramento, USA
0800 123 4567
0800 123 4566

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